Verkaufte Instrumente / Instruments sold

kürzlich verkaufte Instrumente / instruments recently sold

I'm very pleased, a lot of international collectors decided to buy old scientific instruments from my collection.

I sold Instruments and Books to USA;  Netherlands, Belgium,  Japan, Russia, Austria, France, United Kingdom, Germany

Thank you for your trust

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Hensoldt "Windmill" Microscope sold to UK

Rouzil Microscope  made in Monaco sold to Belgium

R. Winkel Microscope No 13381 c. 1900 sold to Germany
Fernrohr aus Pergament, Leder, Hornmontierungen für Optik um 1800 sold to Germany
Messflügel, Water Current Meter sold to Belgium
Theodolite A. Jobin Paris sold to Germany
Theodolite HallBro London sold to Russia

Globe  Dietrich Reimers 1920 sold to USA

Rüter Sonnenuhr sold to Germany

Engl. Theodolite sold to Germany
Level sold to Russia
Felkl Tellurium

Felkl tellurium sold to Austria

Telescope Lincoln London sold to Germany

Telescope Merz sold to Germany


Polarimeter / Saccarimeter  sold to Luxembourg

Zwei alte Analysenwaagen von Sartorius Göttingen sold to Germany

Globe: Fortin 1780 Paris

Globe signed Sr. Fortin 1780 Ing. Geographe Paris

sold to France

Tellurium sold to Austria

Culpeper Type Microscope c. 1800 sold to USA

Screw Barrel Microscope sold to Italy

Polarisationsmikroskop Polmi A Carl Zeiss

CARL OECHSLE Fernrohr  verkauft nach DEUTSCHLAND

Tischfernrohr sign. Dollond London auf Dreibein verkauft nach Niederlande