Horst Kuhn
mobile: 0049 151-40152619
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Please don't hestitate to contact me if you have any comments, questions or instruments to sell.
Vous pouvez m'ecrire aussi en francais
Mikroskop Sammlung, Mikroskop, alte Mikroskope, Messing Mikroskop, Sammlung alter Mikroskope, old microscope, historical microscopes, antique microscopes, Mikroskop Museum, Museum optischer Instrumente,
historical scientific instruments, ancien microscope, vieux microscope, brass microscope, Magic lantern, laterna magica, tellurium, tellurian, alter globus, old globe, mappemonde,alter theodolit, old theodolite, Mathematische Instrumente, mathematical instruments, Carl Zeiss, Zeiss Mikroskop, Leitz Mikroskop, einfaches mikroskop, simple microscope, sammeln von Mikroskopen, microscope collection, reichert mikroskop, culpeper microscope, gould microscope, cary microscope, spindler & hoyer, alte lupe, old magnifier, Fraunhofer, merz mikroskop, Plössl wien, henry crouch microscope, Carpenter microscope, dollond microscope, altes Fernrohr, old telescope, alte teleskope, old binocular, hensoldt mikroskop, mikroskop präparat, alte präparate, old microscope slide, old slides, moller wedel, moeller, mikroskop gesucht, microscope wanted, old microscope wanted, collecting microscopes, history of the microscope, geschichte der Mikroskopie, sammeln alter Instrumene, microscope sale,